Communicating with your employees
Communicating with your employees is important because:
- Employees need to know where they stand in the scheme of things;
- A satisfied and efficient workforce is more likely;
- Accurate information is vital throughout the organisation;
- Employee views can be helpful; good ideas can come from their practical knowledge;
- Misunderstandings are less likely to occur;
- Better decision-making by managers is likely;
- The commitment of employees will be stronger costs can be reduced;
- Jersey law requires employees receive a policy statement on health and safety
What do you need to do?
Some documents are required by Jersey laws e.g. written statements, including an indication of the existence or otherwise of disciplinary and grievance procedures.**
Employees need information about:
- Their contract and pensions
- Their job, its aims and objectives, training plans and health and safety
- The performance and prospects for the organisation
- Welfare arrangements and facilities
Ensure managers are available, not only to give information but also to receive it.
Give out good news but also the bad when necessary.
What are the ways in which you could do this?
Hold regular meetings
- Use written material to support what has been said
- A notice-board can be useful but it must be kept tidy and up-to-date
- Letters to employees' homes can be helpful where employees are on shifts or work at home or are part-time
- Remember to meet the needs of those whose first language is not English or those who may be disadvantaged by disability
- Please see our checklist "preparing for consultation"
Where to go for help
- The Jersey Advisory and Conciliation Service is available to give free advice on this and all their employment relations matters.
**The Employment (Jersey) Law 2003 requires a written statement to be given to employees within four weeks of starting employment.